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Yi Siyu: Tired and Happy


It was 8:30 a.m. when I arrived at the law firm, and I felt a sense of being "somewhere else" as soon as I stepped into the door. All Lawyers stared at their screens with very quick fingers hitting on the keyboard. However, Mr. Ge, who was my instructor, changed my stereotyped impression of lawyers. He was a very considerate person. After knowing other lawyer in the team, I lingered for a long time before I summoned up courage to find something to do. However, after reading less more than 10 dossiers, I was superised that The first day's internship was end. How can I be so ineffective?

A few days later, I tried to write a legal opinion on copyright protection. In spite of trying so hard and trying to recall the reference I ready yesterday, I still failed to finish the job nicely. Therefore I decide to do others jobs that I was capable of. I found that sorting files was a good one. Usually, a case has two or three hundred pages of information,, authorization, civil prosecution, appeal, evidence, judgment, etc. Maybe I really liked to sort out the messy things in order. I had a very pleasant time unexpectedly.

During the first week of my internship, I missed an opportunity to attend a court trial because of the time conflict of the class. However, another chance came back to me in the second week. This is a relatively simple case, B used malware operation to make thousands of harassment calls to A (according to A), so A took the telephone service provider to court. The court scene is different from what I have seen in the United States. Judges are very active in making complaints, asking questions, and sometimes guiding lawyers to explain their reasons. In the United States, the court judge is quite procedural instead of substantive. These differences are those I could not learn in class.

All in all, my internship is not only a great opportunity in professional field, but also an good exercise to enhance my time planning ability. Sometime l felt tired because of the heavy work, but I got nothing to complain about since there are so many people more tired than me.


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